history of west fairview high school

West Fairview High School is located at Austin St., Brgy. Greater Fairview Quezon City. It caters to students residing within the nearby communities in order to help these learners to have accessible education without the burden of additional expenses for transportation

It started its operation on S.Y. 2017-2018 as North Fairview High School Annex with Mr. Pedro C. Caigoy as OIC with 24 faculty members

The following school year 2018-2019, Mr. Christopher V. Mondala took over the position of OIC with continuously growing number of learners and faculty members under his supervision.

Beginning school year 2019 to present, West Fairview High School is under the helm of the ever optimistic, passionate, persistent and result-driven principal, Mr. Joel C. Canceran. Under his leadership, West Fairview High School was able to achieve its independency and is continuously adapting to the challenges of proving the best education to its learners.Â